• Welcome to the project website for PublishOA.ie co-led by the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity College Dublin. The project's aim is to conduct a feasibility study into creating an all-island Diamond Open Access publishing platform for Ireland.

    For more information on the project, who's involved, how it's funded, what are its outputs and what's the latest PublishOA.ie news, see the menus above.


    Launch of first national guidelines on Open Access publishing

    The first national guidelines for Open Access publishing in Ireland were launched on 23 May 2024. The guidelines will provide practical support for Irish scholarly publishers and authors to transition to Open Access, with the potential to substantially democratise access to research.

    Guidelines for publishers: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11235895

    Comments on these guidelines are welcome until 31 August 2024. Contact publishoa@ria.ie.

    PublishOA.ie | @PublishOAIre | publishoa@ria.ie

    Directory of Irish Publishers: The first digital Directory of Irish Publishers was launched on Bloomsday (16 June) 2023 by PublishOA.ie. [More … ]