Contorno (outline) de section

  • Publish OA Ireland is co-led by the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity College Dublin. The funding for this project was approved by the National Open Research Forum (NORF) at the end of 2022 and the project will run until November 2024. Its aim is to conduct a feasibility study into creating a national diamond OA (open access) publishing platform for Ireland.

    The project partners are engaged in working groups (with their workspace login below) that will produce the following deliverables: a landscape report on Irish publishing, a directory of Irish publishers, a survey of these publishers, OA standards for publishers and authors, a technical specification for a national platform and its subsequent trials and piloting, and an evaluation of such a platform's financial sustainability in Ireland. All of which will be reported on and archived publicly in the Digital Repository of Ireland.

    We want to engage with authors, readers and publishers on their needs and concerns in Ireland's transition to Open Access so we will be in touch soon, or feel free to contact us at