Directory of Irish Diamond Open Access Journals
Section outline
This Directory is a list of Irish Diamond Open Access Journals. Information on Irish Diamond journals has been derived from the DOAJ, the IOAP website, individual publisher websites and library websites.
The Directory is in the form of a searchable database with filters for language, subject, publishing platform, DOAJ-inclusion, etc. A spreadsheet is also available.
This Directory is intended as a step towards scoping the requested 'discovery layer' element of the Pilot National Diamond Publishing Platform for all Irish Diamond Open Access Journals (whether they are hosted locally/independently or on a national platform).
Note: Irish-based OA journals that charge APCs have been excluded. A small number of journals that are published in Ireland (by Compuscript) but are owned/managed by editorial groups outside Ireland are included. A couple of new journals that are about to publish their first issue or their first open access issue are also included. A very small number of journals have ceased publishing or have not published for more than three years and they are included because of some possibility of reactivation.
Please contact us with additions, corrections and other amendments!-
Opened: lundi, 24 février 2025, 8:25 PM
Searchable database of Irish Diamond Open Access Journals. Use direction arrows to scroll horizontally and view all fields. Use 'Advanced Search' to apply filters.