About PublishOA.ie
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Future events
Focus groups for book publishers World Café for journal publishers at the Trinity Long Room Hub - tbc
16 May, University of Zurich: Open Access Strategies Workshop: Reflecting Actions and Impacts
Niamh Brennan (Publish OA Technical Group Lead) will be representing Publish OA at this workshop where she will be discussing our project as a community-led initiative.
29-30 May, CONUL Conference, Belfast
Ruth Hegarty (project lead) will be representing the project at CONUL’s annual conference and engaging with one of our key set of stakeholders: librarians.
Current events
Trial of publishing platforms
Publishers - Would You Like to Test Drive an Open Access Publishing Platform?
Publish OA Ireland co-led by the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity College Dublin invites you to trial a publishing platform to help us evaluate how different platforms would serve the needs of Ireland’s diverse publishing landscape, we invite you to get in touch (publishoa@ria.ie).
Who is this for? Academic publishers with or without experience in open-access publishing , including small, independent, non-profit and/or library-based publishers.
What will it entail? You will be assigned a platform to test and someone to support you through the process. If you’re interested in open access publishing and would like to see how it would affect your workflows in a supported trial, this is for you.
PublishOA.ie | @PublishOAIre | publishoa@ria.ie
Past events
12-14 March, London Book Fair
Publish OA shared a table at the London Book Fair 2024 with Publishing Ireland at which we met with publishers and service providers.
12 March, Inaugural Annual Conference of the IOAP
Ruth Hegarty took part in a panel discussion with international speakers at the conclusion of this event.
https://sites.google.com/view/irish-open-access-publishers/annual-conference7 March 2024, Femfest. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick – Irish Women’s Writing Network roundtable: Irish women in publishing
FemFest is a bi-annual festival which celebrates women's achievements as writers, publishers, musicians, etc. This year, the Irish Women's Writing Network is convening a roundtable on women in publishing at which Lucy Hogan will be part of the panel.
MIC FemFest 2024 | Mary Immaculate College29 February 2024, IOAP/DOAJ Online Event – Demystifying the DOAJ Application
Jointly hosted with IOAP, this online event guided those trying to get their journals indexed on DOAJ through questions on the DOAJ application process.
20 February 2024, CONUL Online Event – National Open Publishing Future Directions and Collective Actionhttps://conul.ie/national-open-publishing-future-directions-and-collective-action/
9 November 2023, Publishing Ireland’s 11th Annual Trade Day - Academic Publishing and Open Access
Ruth Hegarty (Project Lead & Managing Editor, Publications, Royal Irish Academy) and Lucy Hogan (Project Manager) gave a brief explainer of open access and an overview of the progress of the project over the past year to the publishers in attendance.3 November 2023: NORFest Scholarly authorship and open access workshop
The workshop aimed to provide researchers, in particular those from the Arts and Humanities who may not have previously been afforded the opportunity to engage with open access (OA), and other stakeholders, with the space to discuss and comment on what guidance they and their peers need when authoring OA works. Moreover, the workshop aimed, to generate a body of feedback that would be used to revise the project’s draft set of guidelines for open access for scholarly authors (Deliverable 8 of the Publish OA project).
26 July 2023: Webinar from book publishing platform providers
Continuing PublishOA.ie’s evaluation of the feasibility of establishing a national publishing platform in Ireland, platform providers Coko Foundation - Ketida, Manifold and The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) - Open Monograph Press (OMP) provided demos of their systems in this webinar.
Demos were presented by Christina Tromp (Project Manager – Coko Foundation - Ketida); Matthew Gold (English and Digital Humanities, City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center), Robin Miller (Librarian and Open Educational Technologist, CUNY Graduate Center) and Terence Smyre (Manifold Digital Projects Editor, University of Minnesota Press); and John Willinsky (founder of PKP, Professor Emeritus Stanford - OMP).
10 July 2023, Webinar: Discovering journal publishing platforms
As part of PublishOA.ie’s mission to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a national publishing platform in Ireland, platform providers Coko Foundation (Kotahi), Janeway and the Public Knowledge Project's Open Journal Systems (PKP/OJS) provided demos of their systems in this webinar.
Demos were presented by Ryan Dix-Peek (Project Manager – Coko Foundation - Kotahi), Dr Caroline Edwards (Executive Director, Open Library of Humanities - Janeway) and Mariya Maistrovskaya (Digital Publishing Librarian, University of Toronto - OJS).
--20 June to 4 July: Survey of Irish publishers
Many thanks to those who completed this survey - responses are currently being reviewed.
16 June 2023: Publication of the Directory of Irish Publishers
First digital directory of Irish publishers and Literature Ireland translation series launched; MoLI wins award – The Irish Times
25 April 2023, Webinar: Learning from national Open Access platforms
Existing national OA platforms have been successful in helping publishers comply with OA requirements and have agreed to share their experiences through this webinar. The presentations will cover the creation of the platforms, principles adhered to, technical requirements, business models used to sustain these platforms and any lessons learnt.
Panelists include Jan Willem Wijnen (openjournals.nl) and Antti-Jussi Nygård and Sami Syrjämäki (journal.fi). Openjournals.nl is a diamond open access platform for scientific journals, which was launched in 2021. It now hosts 24 journals with a new journal being added almost every month. Journal.fi is a journal management and publishing service provided by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. It features 130 Finnish scholarly journals.
8 March 2023, Publishing Ireland Board Meeting – PublishOA.ie: Presentation to Publishing Ireland
Following Publishing Ireland’s board meeting on 8 March 2023, Lucy Hogan (Project Manager) gave an overview of the project, now renamed PublishOA.ie, and some background on Open Access and the latest government policy with regard to public funding of publishers. She encouraged publishers to engage with the project and outlined the mechanisms of engagement that the project will use (survey, focus groups, workshops, World Café).
11 November 2022, Publishing Ireland’s 10th Annual Trade Day - A National Publishing Platform for Ireland
At Publishing Ireland’s Trade Day on 11 November 2022, Ruth Hegarty (Project Lead & Managing Editor, Publications, Royal Irish Academy) introduced the newly established project – initially titled Action 3: Open Access Transition Programme - to publishers in attendance. Ruth shared details of National Open Research Forum, its aim and its projects and shared plans for a national publishing platform for Ireland.