Outputs from PublishOA.ie
Atalaren laburpena
Begun through presentations and gathering information for the Directory. A survey of publishers identified in the Directory followed in which publishers who wish to engage in the project via focus groups, workshops, etc., will be identified.
Information on the survey provided to participants before agreeing to undertake the survey
Survey as made available to all those identified in the Directory in order to gauge the landscape of publishing in Ireland and engage publishers in the project and subsequent focus groups, etc.
The survey was open from 20 June to 4 July 2023 and responses are currently being reviewed.
The questions are available in this file, while the report of the results of the survey is available here.
Report's doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8432496 -
Information on the World Café to be held on 9 November 2023 provided to participants before agreeing to take part
Information on the Focus Group to be held in October/ November 2023, provided to participants before agreeing to take part
Information on the semi-structured interviews to be held in October/November 2023, provided to participants before agreeing to take part
Consent form that will be provided to participants prior to semi-structured interviews/focus groups/World Café