Outputs from PublishOA.ie
Lista de secções
The project will produce the following eight deliverables:
· D1: Digital directory of Irish publishers (published, see below)
· D2: Diamond OA platform pilot and report (including technical specification - for comparison of platforms, see below)
· D3: Feasibility report for a sustainable Diamond OA publishing platform (research in progress)
· D4: National set of OA publishing principles for publishers (draft adopted)
· D5: Communication and dissemination plan (published, see below)
· D6: Publisher engagement, mentoring and support (ongoing)
· D7: Landscape report (being drafted)
· D8: National set of OA publishing principles for authors (draft available)
Created from existing lists and desk research, then followed up by contacting publishers to verify details, this Directory lists book and journal publishers on the island of Ireland and should prove a useful resource for authors, publishers, funders, researchers, etc.
It provides us with the first set of information to map the current landscape of publishing on the island of Ireland.
On Bloomsday (16 June) 2023, the Directory was made available to search online and for download in spreadsheet format.
Both formats of the Directory are openly accessible and licensed for re-use under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial Sharealike (CC-BY-NC-SA) licence
Take Down Notice
If you wish to request the removal of information relating to your publishing house from the Directory of Irish Publishers, please submit a request by email to publishoa@ria.ie. including the following details:
• Name
• Publishing house
• Role in publishing house
• Email address
• Other relevant information
The Publish OA team will acknowledge receipt of your request as soon as possible, and public access to the information in question will be removed as quickly as practicable.
Equally, if you wish to be added or to make any changes, please contact us at the same address.
Atividades: 4 -
Feeding into this deliverable will be (a) a comparison of the features of publishing platforms, (b) information from already established national platforms, and (c) experience of piloting books and journals through the platform solution(s) chosen.
Current version of comparison report: version 2; dated 11 October 2023.
Atividades: 1 -
This will build on information retrieved in compiling the Directory, during the survey and subsequent focus groups, and from compilation of the tech spec.
Atividades: 0 -
Based on guidelines from the Library Association of Ireland that will go to publishers for comment during focus groups, etc.
Guidelines for publishers launched on 23 May 2024: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11235895
Atividades: 1 -
Completed; published on Zenodo, see link below.
Current version: version 1
Atividades: 1 -
Begun through presentations and gathering information for the Directory. A survey of publishers identified in the Directory followed in which publishers who wish to engage in the project via focus groups, workshops, etc., will be identified.
Atividades: 7 -
To follow, building on the above research (e.g. the gap analysis).
Atividades: 0 -
Aim to elucidate these during the Scholarly Authorship and Open Access workshop at NORFest 2023, on Friday, 3 November 2023, 14.15-15.45.
Atividades: 2